The moments you always remember...
Shortly after Christmas last year, my 7 year old son asked me if I would read him a verse in the new Bible I got him for Christmas. Before I found out what he wanted, I was quick to say "Dylan, please go back to bed" but when I realized what he was asking, I said, "Sure" (I mean, really!). He got his Bible and I decided to read in Psalms. He thought I was going to read 139 (what I highlighted for him as "his" verse) but I turned to Psalm 91.
Afterward I encouraged him to go up to bed, but he had some thoughts to impart. Boy did he ever.
Randomly, he started talking about light and darkness. It was as if a LIGHT (literally) in him switched on and his blue eyes danced and he spoke with passion and enthusiasm. I was in awe of what he (all by himself!) started talking about and I could only affirm what he was saying. I asked him where he got all this knowledge from and he said, "It came from in here and here" (he said pointing to his head and his heart). Wow.
If I may....
"Light and Darkness" by Dylan
"When light hits darkness, light always wins. Darkness has no choice because light is stronger"
"I think that darkness is like the size of a planet. Sometimes it seems really big because planets are really big. But light? It's the size of the UNIVERSE. So while darkness might seem big as a planet, when you think of light being the size of the universe, the size of the planet is really pretty small."
"Darkness surrenders to the light - it has to."
"Mom, darkness can't understand light. Because all it knows is dark! Light hits it and it can only wonder what it is because it's nothing like the dark!"
"I like thinking of the light as being like an army sent in by God - going into battle the darkness. But no matter how huge the army of darkness is, the army of light will always be bigger."
"So, Dylan, what do you think is light?" I asked him. Without skipping a beat, he said, "God!" And that since he thinks in terms of battles (he loves those little green army men), he proceeded to show me with his hands how God sends an army marching in when He sees darkness. And while stacking his little arms on top of each other and having them appear even in size, he explained to me, "Sometimes it might seem like these armies are the same size." And with a twinkle in his eyes, he said softly, "But they're not." "The army of light is always bigger."
"You know, if a person is hit by light, this is what happens" (and he proceeded to act like something had hit his chest (by his heart) and he made his body rise up in joy. "But if a person is hit the same way with darkness, this is what happens." (and he fell over on the couch, as if dead)
"Even if there is a lot of darkness around, all it takes is the smallest amount of light to overcome that darkness. Even the tiniest little bit (picture him acting like he's holding a single pea with his little hands) will shine a light and make the darkness lose the strength"
"Darkness HATES light. It runs. Everytime. It has to. The darkness is really AFRAID of the light. It doesn't know what to think of it, so it runs."
Swing high, little man. Always.